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[ZNL]⇒ [PDF] Resurrecting Cybele edition by Jenifer Mohammed Literature Fiction eBooks

Resurrecting Cybele edition by Jenifer Mohammed Literature Fiction eBooks

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Resurrecting Cybele edition by Jenifer Mohammed Literature Fiction eBooks

Spoilers: From Charles Manson's Family to Nixivm, cults are a scary fascinating bunch. They are mesmerizing, seductive, and incredibly violent. They may start with good intentions to heal the world and teach others. The members and leaders get caught up in the delusion that they have a direct pipeline to God and discover the road to Hell (or their version) is paved with said intentions. The weak willed followers under them become susceptible to filling out their most dangerous violent and sexual urges and then the trouble really begins. Jennifer Mohammed's insightful novel, Resurrecting Cybele, is a thought provoking look at the dangers cult produce from their Genesis to their Revelation.

Cybele Moondragon and her best friend, Janus Styx are bored with preparing their master's theses, concerned about the state of the world heading towards violence and prejudice, and short of money so they do what any bright idealistic cash poor young adult would do in such circumstances: create their own culture of goddess worshipers.

The cult is created to worship the Phrygian nature and Mother Goddess, Cybele and pull the world out of its patriarchal destruction or at least that's Cybele's intention. Mohammed wrote a memorable deeply flawed protagonist. She sells New Age trinkets like crystals, herbs, and amulets that she hopes will empower every recruit. She also leads courses that are variations of yoga which will lead followers to communicate and meditate to the Goddess. Like those who began religions before her, Cybele sees a need and aspires to fill it.

Which is the opposite of the intentions in Janus her associate. Mohammad cleverly brings out the contrast in the two leaders and their intentions towards the cult and their followers. Besides the fact that Janus has one of those names to run away from really fast because he is named after the Roman two-faced god, Janus is also a psychiatric counselor who could probably use some counseling himself. He works at a soup kitchen but sees it's residents as vermin particularly four dumb guys who serve as Janus’ lackeys that do whatever he forces them to like playing pranks on an ex boyfriend. It's becomes clear to the Reader though not to Cybele that Janus sees a financial benefit to heading a cult as well as a lot of gullible people that he can use to do his bidding.

While Resurrecting Cybele is a book that takes a strong look at the dangers of cult worship, it also has time to project other emotions. It also provides its Readers with an underwritten triangle between Cybele, Janus, and Gabriel, an investigative reporter turned administrative assistant for the cult. The triangle is played out in a way that is short on high school romance and theatrics and long on motive as Gabriel is not only attracted to Cybele but shares her ideals to guide the cult in a positive direction. Janus is gay and has no such designs on Cybele but feels that Gabriel is a threat on their friendship and Janus’ influence on his female friend.

Besides romance and drama, Resurrecting Cybele is also a clever satire. Before their friendship implodes, Cybele and Janus are TV addicts and often quote references to their favorite science fiction programs back and forth. When starting the cult, the duo compare the beginnings to the feuds between the Bajorans and Cardassians of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. To shake a depressed Janus after being dumped, Cybele reminds him of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode in which one character said that people are so caught up in their own problems that they don't notice when someone else needs help. Tellingly as the two protagonists end up on opposite sides of the cult debacle, the TV references stop as if to remind the Reader that satire is over and the world is no longer funny.

Using these conflicting emotions of humor, romance, and drama allow Mohammed to open up the conflict on a wider scale so that the resolution towards the cult is less predictable and doesn't follow the particular destructive patterns that real-life forbears had led.

Read Resurrecting Cybele  edition by Jenifer Mohammed Literature  Fiction eBooks

Tags : Resurrecting Cybele - Kindle edition by Jenifer Mohammed. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Resurrecting Cybele.,ebook,Jenifer Mohammed,Resurrecting Cybele,Jenifer Mohammed Publishing,FICTION Literary,FICTION Satire

Resurrecting Cybele edition by Jenifer Mohammed Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews

This story was so funny. There were so many plots and subplots that I felt my head was spinning trying to keep up with them all. However, Mohammed weaves them all so effortlessly together that the story flows so smoothly and you actually start to think that deciding to create your own Mother Goddess religion and wiccan website is perfectly normal behaviour for anyone who wants more excitement in her life. This is absolutely a must-read for any sci-fi/fantasy geek because you will love all the Star Wars /Stargate/ Lord of the Rings’ references. You don’t have to have seen those movies to enjoy the craziness of these characters but, trust me, it makes it even more enjoyable if you have. Cybele is like Buffy-the-Vampire Slayer meets Bridget Jones’ diary.
Reading this story was like going on a rollercoaster ride with lots of exciting twists and turns and laugh-out-loud pure fun. There was never a dull moment - non-stop action full of Machiavellian machinations throughout. This story seamlessly combines Greek and Eastern mythology with Star Wars and Star Trek and Stargate references.
Cybele and her friends could easily have sat in on The Big Bang Theory and got into philosophical arguments with Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Raj about the merits of Batman vs. Spiderman as the best superhero. I also really loved the idea of taking established religion back to its pagan roots and resurrecting a Mother Goddess cult and then setting it not in someplace expected like California but instead in Winnipeg, Canada aka Winterpeg. Funny, feminist, geeky, the perfect blend for a great story.
Ok, so this book is very interesting. Cybele wishes to start her own occult/religion with a friend, and both of them have different aspects or reasons for wishing to do this. Soo that being said the novel is full of drama and kind of suspense in a way because as a reader you want to know if they are successful or not. I definitely loved the dialogue between the characters and I definitely recommend its a great novel to check out!
Cybele Moondragon is dissatisfied with her life. She decides to turn her pagan religion into an income earning endeavour and pulls in her childhood friend, Janus, into the fledgling endeavour. That’s the basis of the story. Add in an undercover reporter, a spurned lover, and eco-terrorism and you have the makings of an interesting – if wacky – story set in contemporary times. However, the book moves along primarily through conversations and the inner thoughts of the characters. We are told what’s happening (or happened) rather than actually living through it or having it dramatized for us. I really wanted more but it didn’t quite hit the mark for me. I received a complimentary copy from Booktasters for an honest review.
Cybele is tired of her life as it is, not progressing with her thesis and not having a job, and decides to create a new "cult", along with her best friend since childhood, Janus. As their "business" evolves, there also appear discrepancies and personal developments in each of them that might threaten to destroy not only their cult and their friendship, but also their devotees. It's a story about trust, friendship, love and power, which, in case of Janus, is gained through manipulation and provocation. Cybele wants to create an environment for spiritual growth, but seems to have some naive ideas about how tho go about it and all The factors one has to consider that have an influence over day-to-days life.
It's a dangerous game that could easily destroy everything that's worthwhile, turning emotionally unstable persons into evil.
I really enjoyed this book, showing what can become of a project that's conceived with the best of intentions, being executed by people that only persecute their own interests. The plot is well developed, as well as the characters. It also includes a great sense of humor, making the reader laugh out loud quite a few times.
Spoilers From Charles Manson's Family to Nixivm, cults are a scary fascinating bunch. They are mesmerizing, seductive, and incredibly violent. They may start with good intentions to heal the world and teach others. The members and leaders get caught up in the delusion that they have a direct pipeline to God and discover the road to Hell (or their version) is paved with said intentions. The weak willed followers under them become susceptible to filling out their most dangerous violent and sexual urges and then the trouble really begins. Jennifer Mohammed's insightful novel, Resurrecting Cybele, is a thought provoking look at the dangers cult produce from their Genesis to their Revelation.

Cybele Moondragon and her best friend, Janus Styx are bored with preparing their master's theses, concerned about the state of the world heading towards violence and prejudice, and short of money so they do what any bright idealistic cash poor young adult would do in such circumstances create their own culture of goddess worshipers.

The cult is created to worship the Phrygian nature and Mother Goddess, Cybele and pull the world out of its patriarchal destruction or at least that's Cybele's intention. Mohammed wrote a memorable deeply flawed protagonist. She sells New Age trinkets like crystals, herbs, and amulets that she hopes will empower every recruit. She also leads courses that are variations of yoga which will lead followers to communicate and meditate to the Goddess. Like those who began religions before her, Cybele sees a need and aspires to fill it.

Which is the opposite of the intentions in Janus her associate. Mohammad cleverly brings out the contrast in the two leaders and their intentions towards the cult and their followers. Besides the fact that Janus has one of those names to run away from really fast because he is named after the Roman two-faced god, Janus is also a psychiatric counselor who could probably use some counseling himself. He works at a soup kitchen but sees it's residents as vermin particularly four dumb guys who serve as Janus’ lackeys that do whatever he forces them to like playing pranks on an ex boyfriend. It's becomes clear to the Reader though not to Cybele that Janus sees a financial benefit to heading a cult as well as a lot of gullible people that he can use to do his bidding.

While Resurrecting Cybele is a book that takes a strong look at the dangers of cult worship, it also has time to project other emotions. It also provides its Readers with an underwritten triangle between Cybele, Janus, and Gabriel, an investigative reporter turned administrative assistant for the cult. The triangle is played out in a way that is short on high school romance and theatrics and long on motive as Gabriel is not only attracted to Cybele but shares her ideals to guide the cult in a positive direction. Janus is gay and has no such designs on Cybele but feels that Gabriel is a threat on their friendship and Janus’ influence on his female friend.

Besides romance and drama, Resurrecting Cybele is also a clever satire. Before their friendship implodes, Cybele and Janus are TV addicts and often quote references to their favorite science fiction programs back and forth. When starting the cult, the duo compare the beginnings to the feuds between the Bajorans and Cardassians of Star Trek Deep Space Nine. To shake a depressed Janus after being dumped, Cybele reminds him of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode in which one character said that people are so caught up in their own problems that they don't notice when someone else needs help. Tellingly as the two protagonists end up on opposite sides of the cult debacle, the TV references stop as if to remind the Reader that satire is over and the world is no longer funny.

Using these conflicting emotions of humor, romance, and drama allow Mohammed to open up the conflict on a wider scale so that the resolution towards the cult is less predictable and doesn't follow the particular destructive patterns that real-life forbears had led.
Ebook PDF Resurrecting Cybele  edition by Jenifer Mohammed Literature  Fiction eBooks

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